Through FAMILY, FAITH and FORMATION Saint Theresa Catholic School students strive to be:
Responsible Citizens (Family) who:
- accept responsibility for his or her actions.
- practice cooperation, courtesy, and respect.
- demonstrate respect for self, others, and the environment.
- work cooperatively with others to reach a common goal.
Active Catholic Witnesses (Faith) through:
- participation at liturgies and prayer services.
- demonstration of basic knowledge of the foundations of the faith, church teachings and traditions.
- exhibiting Gospel values by showing respect for God, self, others, and all creation.
- demonstration of a spirit of stewardship within church, school, and community.
Active Learners (Formation) by:
- demonstrating active listening skills.
- practicing self-discipline skills.
- showing proficiency in essential skills as defined in the diocesan and state standards.
- demonstrating the ability to use a variety of tools for learning in an appropriate manner.
- participating in physical education and the fine arts.